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How to Put On a Diaper So It Doesn’t Leak? – Ultimate Guide for New Moms

by  Katie -  Last updated on August 26, 2021

Last Updated on August 26, 2021

Figuring out how to put on a diaper comfortably yet securely can be difficult. After spending all that time putting it on and trying to get it well adjusted, having a diaper leak can be frustrating. You’re not the only parent who is battling the problem of diaper leaks and you certainly won’t be the last, but that doesn’t make it feel any less irritating or discouraging.

In order to prevent leaks, we’ve compiled a list of helpful tips for keeping diapers from leaking..


How to Put On a Diaper So It Doesn’t Leak

One of the most important parts of making sure a diaper doesn’t leak is ensuring it’s put on correctly the first time. This may seem pretty simple or straightforward, especially once you’ve learned how a diaper works, but it’s easy for things to go wrong when you’re in a rush.

A huge factor is checking to make sure the back isn’t folded down. This simple little check can make the difference between a diaper leaking or lasting.

Sometimes, diapers are packaged and shipped with the back folded partway down. If you aren’t paying attention or looking out for it, it’s possible for you to put your baby’s diaper on with the back still folded. Now that you know to watch out for it, always check for a folded back or tucked corner that could cause future problems.

One of these things is tucked-in cuffs. After putting the diaper on, run your fingers around the edges and pull out the cuffs so they aren’t hidden. This can make a big difference. If you have to stretch or tighten them, it’s likely that the diaper doesn’t fit well enough.

When you put the diaper on, the waistband should come up just below your baby’s belly button and the diaper should fit snugly, but not too tight. An ill-fitting diaper can be a cause of diaper leaks, so as your baby grows, make sure you continue to find diapers in the right size. To help ensure the diaper is tight enough, move the tabs so that they face downwards and overlap just a little.

Reasons Why Diapers Leak

If you’re doing all you think possible to prevent diapers from leaking, but still face the same issues, it may be time to look deeper. Here are several reasons for why your baby’s diaper could be leaking.

1. Incorrect Size

It makes sense that a diaper that’s too big would allow for leaks, but diapers that are too small can cause leaks too. You might be surprised to know that a diaper that’s too snug can allow for leaks to get through.

Always make sure your baby is wearing a diaper that fits their size. Babies on the upper or lower end of the weight limit may need to change diaper sizes sooner rather than later, so keep in mind you may experience a few slip-ups around these times.

By running your fingers along with the cuffs and checking for any redness or chaffing, you can keep an eye on how your baby is fitting in their diaper and when you’ll need to change sizes.

2. Compression Leaks

Linked to incorrectly sized diapers, compression leaks occur when you carry your baby on your hip or if their clothing is too small.

To solve compression leaks, just make sure the diaper is fitting properly. Again, pull out any tucked-in cuffs and make sure the diaper isn’t too tight or snug.

3. Materials

Some diaper materials are better at keeping in leaks than others, so choose high quality materials that will offer better coverage. .
When you look at a diaper, check to see if it’s made well or if it’s made cheaply. Cheaply made diapers with low-end materials won’t hold in your baby’s urine or poo.

4. Synthetic Washing Detergents

While many diapers are disposable, some are reusable after a wash. Pay attention to what you use when washing your baby’s diapers. Certain chemical-based or synthetic washing detergents can lower the quality of your diapers and cause leaks.

There are many detergents out there that are safe to use on diapers and some plant-based options exist, but it’s important to ensure that your washing detergent isn’t damaging your diapers and might cause more problems later on.

Other Tips to Prevent Diaper Leaks

Aside from ensuring a proper fit on your baby, there are a few other ways you can prevent diaper leaks.

1. Create a Schedule

Everyone needs a good schedule, even your baby. Now, you’ll have to make your schedule to fit your baby and not the other way around, but it isn’t too difficult to figure out the right timing.

In order to create a changing schedule for your baby, pay attention to the times of day when their diapers seem to need changing. Keep an eye out for wet or messy diapers and then set up a schedule to match those times. If you always end up needing to change your baby’s diaper after a nap then schedules time for changing your baby’s diaper then.

Getting rid of a full diaper on time can prevent a lot of leaks. You won’t risk leaving the diaper until it’s full and your baby will stay happy and dry.

What’s more, having a schedule for your baby while he or she is still in diapers can make potty training easier. You’ll already be familiar with the times your toddler needs a diaper changing, so just apply that to potty training. Maybe schedule it a little earlier though so you have time to get to the toilet before it’s too late.

Overnight diapers can also prevent many leaks at night. As this is a common time for diaper leaks, transitioning to overnight diapers can save a lot of laundry and messy sheets.

3. Ensure a Proper Diet

A good diet is important for babies. If your baby doesn’t get good nutrition, their poo is more likely to be runny and, well, diaper leaks will occur more often. Even when using a good fitting diaper and checking all the boxes, runny poo will leak and is often caused by something in your baby’s diet.

When breastfeeding, ensuring your baby gets a healthy diet means that you need a healthy diet. Whatever nutrients you eat, your baby will get too. If you’re formula feeding, then make sure the formula you buy is healthy and has good reviews. Poor formula can cause many health problems for babies, the least of which may be runny poo.

Also Read: How to Prevent Overnight Diaper Leaks?


Facing any challenges or unexpected problems as a new parent can be scary and discouraging. Right, when you start to feel like you can confidently change your baby’s diapers, leaks start happening and you can’t figure out why. It’s no reason to panic, and as you can see, there are many reasonable explanations for why you’re facing diaper leaks.

Every baby is different so you’ll have to work with your infant to figure out a good system and schedule that works for you both. Soon, you’ll have diaper leaks mastered, and by following the few extra tips above, you’ll be ahead of the game. If you are looking for a new pair of diapers for your little one, we recommend trying Huggies Snug & Dry or Huggies Little Snugglers. Both are cost-effective, remarkably soft, and convenient to use.

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